Extracts of Meetings 1891


GENERAL MEETING held at the Athenaeum Sept. 18 1891.

The following names added to the Patrons: Captain A K Cunninghame, R M Swett Esq., E Noke Esq, W M Stoffell, J S Turner Esq. JP, A N Treadgold Esq.


COMMITTEE MEETING held at Old Bond Street Sept. 24 1891.

Mr. F Soane in the Chair and Messrs Gilby, Sants, White, Pattinson, Batt and C H Clark.

Match Cards & Members Tickets. : It was decided to have 200 Match Cards and 150 Members Tickets printed, the arrangements for which were left to the Hon. Sec. 17 new members elected. It was decided to subscribe a guinea to the County Association Club. Resolved: “ That in future Members playing in out matches shall pay a shilling each towards expenses.”


As previously recorded, there had been a founding meeting of a Bath Association Football Club on 17th July 1889, with many of the officers of the Rugby Club, holding posts in the soccer club set-up.

The Chronicle reports on a joint meeting of Bath Rugby and Association football on Friday 18th September 1891, with Frank Soane in the Chair.


Treasurer, Mr. TJ Gandy produced a statement of accounts showing a rugby club deficit of £23 19s 1d, although this was partially offset by later receipt of £6 in subscriptions. There had been a promise to run a social function at the Assembly Rooms, in order to wipe out the debt. If not, he proposed that it would be recognised as a liability for the general club. “Several thought it would be best to start the alliance with a clean sheet, and the Association men would not bring any debt if that were done.-These remarks gave rise to considerable discussion, during which the CHAIRMAN remarked that really there was no amalgamation. The Rugby club had agreed if sufficient Association players joined it, to play an Association team. He candidly admitted that he never was in favour of the amalgamation, and he did not see the benefit the Bath Football Club would gain by it.- MR CLARK said they wished in the interest of sport that the alliance should be as amicable and thorough as possible, and personally he was willing to join the Bath F.C. regardless of debt (hear hear).- MR PEACOCK mentioned that last year the Association Club had subscriptions amounting to £33 odd.- MR. MELSOME proposed that the debt be placed to a separate account to be wiped off by special efforts, and that the combined Club should start clear. -MR WALKER seconded as he wished to see urgent steps taken to wipe off the deficiency. -MR HOOPER proposed an amendment, that the debts on the two Clubs remain in the general account, and this was seconded by MR PATTINSON, who said he should like to see the Association game continue in Bath and some match played here every Saturday. -The amendment was carried by a considerable majority. -The election of officers was then proceeded with.

Sir R S Blaine was elected president. Mr Frank Soane was again elected captain of the Rugby Club, with Mr Pattinson as deputy-captain. Mr J Peacock was elected captain of the Association team, and Mr F J Butt vice captain. Mt T J Piper and Mr C H Clark were appointed co-secretaries. Mr T J Gandy resigned the office of Hon. Treasurer, which was filled, with the election of Mr White. Messrs G H Noke, W Sants, C H Melsome,


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