Bath Rugby Supporters Club
The Bath Rugby Supporters Club
Club records show that there have been three incarnations of a “Supporter’s Club” associated with the Bath Club during its history.
The primary sources of data used in the preparation of this piece are the hand written Club Management Committee Meeting notes which mention Supporters Club activities which will be detailed later in this piece and Match Programmes which advertise Social events run by the Supporter’s club in those early days.
The first club, known as the “Bath and District Rugby Supporters’ Club” was formed in 1921 and was active until the outbreak of World War 2. The Club was resuscitated in 1945 and in 1951 changed its name to “Bath Rugby Supporter’s Club” to reflect their revised aim to devote their energies to the support of the club. The Club ran under this name until it folded in 1954.
The dawn of the professional era in 1996 saw the re-emergence of a Supporter’s Club known again as the “Bath Rugby Supporter’s Club” under the leadership of Jerry Keeling and his Committee: this Club is in rude health and running as this piece is being written.
The earliest mention of a Supporter’s Club is in the Bath Football Club Management Committee meeting Minutes of the 19th April 1921 and this is soon followed by an article in the Bath Chronicle detailing a schedule of Social events to be run by the Supporter’s Club.
Forthcoming Social Events
Sunday June 19th at 3-15p.m., in co-operation with Bath City Association Supporters’ Club, a Footballers’ Sunday Service.
Saturday 25th June 1921 at 7-30pm. – A capital concert is being arranged and a large attendance of members and their lady friends is expected.
The club’s badges are now to hand from the manufacturers. Its design is very appropriate and it has given great satisfaction.
On Thursday evening, 14th July. The Band of the Royal Marines has been engaged, together with entertainers. There will be a Fancy Dress Dance from 9-15pm.
During the Red Cross Fete week, the Supporters’ Club hopes to arrange a bowling match in Sydney Gardens, against the City Supporters (Association) Club.
Further events will be announced shortly.
The following note appears in the Committee’s Report for the 1920/21 Season,
We record with pleasure the inauguration of a Bath and District Supporters’ Club, which already has gratifying membership, which has for its aim objects which must meet with warm approval of all lovers of Rugby.”
A Report on the Sydney Gardens Concert, mentioned above, reads:
Bath Supporters’ Club staged a varied programme at Sydney Gardens. The band of the Royal Marines was in attendance. Miss Hilda Blake most kindly gave her services to the Club, and sang with all her well known artistic ability, “She wandered down the mountain side,” and “Love’s a merchant.” In response to cries for encores, she launched into “A Farewell,” and “Our little home.” “Mr George Foster-Palmer, of Bristol, caused great merriment by his humorous monologues at the piano.”
In charming and picturesque surroundings, there followed a fancy dress Chinese lantern dance. Winners of the Fancy Dress competition were:-
Ladies-1st. Mrs Seller (flower basket); 2nd. Miss Eila Bartram (Oriental dress); Consolation prize –Miss Marjorie Cuss (Indian squaw).
Gentlemen:- 1st. Dr F A Meine (clown); 2nd. Mr W A Wheeler (Rugger and Cricket); Consolation prize, B Thompson (18th Century Page).
Doctor Meine, who was a Bath rugby player, was full of antics, and Mr. Wheeler had one half of his form clothed in Bath Rugger attire and the other as a batsman.
Mrs C E Basden distributed the prizes, and her husband, the hon. Secretary of the club, acted as M.C. of the dances, which were greatly enjoyed, despite the heat. The other officials and members of the committee of the club rendered valuable assistance.
The Supporter’s club in those days had many roles, a note in the Management Committee Minutes of 27th September 1921 demonstrates how varied they were!!
“Appeal to Supporters Club to try to prevent the spectators from criticising the players of either side while the game is in progress”
Would it happen today??
And after a Newport v Bath match in 1921
“The upset of defeat was soon forgotten, when the Newport Supporters’ Club entertained their Bath counterparts at the Westgate Hotel.
“To describe the harmony, the enthusiasm and the sporting spirit that prevailed at this function, the whole dictionary might be searched for adjectives, and yet not adequately express the good feeling prevailing. A feature of the concert was the magnificent singing of the Alexandra Dock Male Voice Choir directed by Mr. Brindley Williams. Their glees and part songs were grandly rendered.”
“The room was so crowded that a large number were unable to obtain admission.”
Bath Officials present included Mr. Cecil Basden (Hon. Sec. of Bath Supporters’), Mr. A H W Taylor (Chairman), Mr. G A Roberts (Hon. Sec. Bath F C).
BATH CHRONICLE 8 /4/1922 (Extract)
The Bath Rugby Supporters’ Club have had a very successful first season, and their officials are to be congratulated on the excellent reports they were able to present to their members at the Annual Meeting held last Wednesday.
That their influence is being felt among followers of the game in Bath is evident, and long may they carry on their good work.
Around 2000 people attended an open air concert arranged by the Bath and District Supporters’ Club, held in Sydney Gardens on a somewhat chilly evening.
The Concert was followed by a ‘flannel dance’, and the Garden’s entrance was illuminated with paper lanterns and coloured lamps. Miss Hilda Blake was the principle singer, and she received a large bouquet, decked in Bath colours, presented by little Miss Joan Banks. There were entertaining contributions from the ‘Bath Society of Gleemen.’ The Band of the 2nd Battalion Suffolk Regiment played a number of selections.
There were several humorous diversions.
On September 23rd 1922 the Supporter’s Club commenced the publication of the Official match programme, and although a copy of this Programme is not held in the Heritage website a copy of the programme for the match v Mountain Ash on 26th December 1922 can be found in the Programme Section showing the wide in-volvement of the Supporter’s Club in the running of the Club in that era.
The following piece illustrates the feeling in the Club for the Supporter’s Club and in particular the Hon: Secretary, Cecil Basden
A Tribute
Mr. Cecil Basden, sir,
Congratulations to you
On the issue of the Programme,
You deserve them, yes, you do.
The good old Bath Football Club
In Rugger leads the way,
And your latest innovation
Is the topic of the day.
Your task accomplished full and well,
No consequences fearing,
Are pleasing, sir, to everyone,
And to Supporters cheering.
‘Tis good to know your friends approve,
You know just what I MEINE,
For every sport appreciates,
Spectators all are keen.
Some of our results have shown
The nature of a bomb,
CHADDOCK he has laid the train,
The fuse was lit by COMM.
Of course I must make mention of
The Captain, Harry VOWLES,
Who with the rest makes ROYAL scores
Without the aid of fouls.
The players in our team are great,
GIBBS, ANDERSON, and others.
For each Tom, Dick, or RICHARD-SON.
All do their level best
To uphold their reputation
With energy and zest.
You ask how long is a piece of string,
Now do not laugh or scoff.
‘Tis the same length as a coil of wire
When it’s had a bit cut off.
Good Luck, Success, and Happiness,
I wish you once again,
Also to members of the club,
And now beg to remain
October 27th, 1922
(This piece commemorates the Supporters’ Club’s establishment of an Official Match Programme from 23/9/1922.)
And from the Bath Chronicle of 5th May 1923
Councillor W F Long, Chairman advised that there had been 19 Committee meetings, membership stood at 452, and there had been several social events, and a profit of £82 on the season.
The Supporters’ Club had taken on the responsibility for producing and circulating match programmes with effect from September 1922.
Successful trips had been organised for away matches.
The Supporters’ Club “considered it in the best interest of Rugby, to affiliate to the Somerset County Union, and, in connection with the Bristol match on February 17th, 1923, sent a suitable letter to the County Commission, protesting against the arranging of County games when Bath were fulfilling fixtures of this nature, thereby causing a serious clash. It is with much regret that your members have not been able to witness County games in Bath this season.” –What’s changed over the years!!
As a footnote to this article the following Season 1923/24 the publication of the Official Programme was taken over by the Committee of the Football Club.
The Chronicle reported on 5/1/1925
Around a hundred people attended a Whist Drive was organised at the Red House on a Monday evening.
During an interval, Major T B Timmins, Chairman of the Supporters’ Club presented a framed team photograph commemorating the 11th January 1924, away win against Bristol. (11-7). It was intended to be hung in the new pavilion proposed for the Recreation Ground. Mr A H W Taylor was pleased to accept the gift on behalf of the Bath Club.
Caps were presented to Messrs. Percy Chapman, Fred Rhymes, and George Nudds.
Ever in the action, Frank Cashnella won the Gentleman’s’ Prize for the highest score. Mr W F Dolman and his helpers, were thanked for organising the event, and also the M.C. – Mr. James H Tarrant.
The Supporter’s Club carried on the background providing help where necessary to the Club and arranging Social events for their members each Season.
In the 1936/37 Season the clubs finances were in a parlous state and the Supporters’ Club advised that the Club had been running at a loss for several seasons, and asking them if they could suggest or do anything to improve the financial position. Whereupon they filled all stewards’ positions at home matches except at the turnstiles, to make a saving estimated to be upwards of £100 per season. This arrangement continued until the outbreak of the second World War, when it is assumed that the Supporter’s Club was wound up until the cessation of hostilities.
In 1944 there was a proposal put before the Club Management Committee to incorporate a Supporter’s club within the framework of the parent Club, this was not carried and the Club would be reconstituted at it was in 1939 before the outbreak of war.
This begged the question of the future of the Supporter’s Club and it was resolved to maintain the status quo in early 1945. The Management Committee of the parent club noting on the 17th December 1945 that the Supporter’s club was again up and functioning.
However little is known of the activities in which they were involved over this period, but they were “authorised to publish a section in the programme notes” by the Bath Football Management Committee in September 1948 and according to the following note in September 1950” “It was agreed that the Supporters’ Club be allowed to boil water in the committee room for a trial period, provided Mr. Morris was not interfered with!!!”
On the 9th July 1951 the Management Committee notes have the following announcement” Committee agreed with Bath and District Supporters Club on change of name to the Bath Football Club’s Supporters’ Club and on the 27th October 1951 The Bath and District Rugby Supporters’ Club changed its name to “Bath Rugby Supporters’ Club”
“Their revised aim to devote their energies to the support of the Premier club. Invoking the new policy, there was an immediate donation of £50 to the Bath Football Club. They also inquired as to how they could be of further assistance. One of their suggestions was that they would be willing to provide half-time oranges to the United and ‘A’ XV’s!!!.
Despite rumours of its demise, in late 1953 the Supporter’s Club erected a 20’ “Flower Pot” Stand on the popular side of the Ground, and were thanked heartily by the Football Club.
However what was rumour in 1953 became fact in 1954 when the Sports Chronicle of 30th October 1954 reported on the winding up of the Supporters’ Club, and the handing over of the balance in hand of £100 to the Football Club. Among those present was Mr. George Brint, who was present when the Supporters’ Club was founded.
This was to be the case until the dawn of the professional era in 1996.
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