Extracts of a Meeting held at 4 Bath Street on 23rd October 1899
Present J.E. Henshaw (In Chair) T.J. Gandy C. Gilby T. Florain A. J. Taylor W. J. Davis T.N Parham W. Sants H.E Clark J Piper J.E Long.
The minutes of the last meeting have been duly corrected and read and passed.
Dinner Old Edwardians
It was reported that the Old Edwardians were entertained as usual at Fishers after the match.
Castle Cary
It was decided that the Castle Cary FC play the 1st xv Next season if room can be found on the fixture list.
The Chairman said he would again write to Clifton regarding their expenses, also if they would play at Bath next season on December 2nd instead of at Clifton, subject to which the Bath club would wave all claims to the £3.
The Hon Sec, having read the following letter from the Hon Sec Chepstow RFC which was ordered to be put in the minutes.
Dear Sir
I am requested by the above club tp acknowledge receipt of a £1 collected among your team on Saturday last for the unfortunate player (Mr B Fisher) who had his leg broken on that day, and to tender their very best thanks for the kindness shown by your club.
I have much pleasure in reporting that Mr B Fisher is as well as can be expected but as you know a broken leg can only be cured by a few weeks in bed.
Thank you again for the feeling displayed by your club. Believe me
Yours very faithfully J.A Ince Duff
Sec requested to see Adams Bills not being properly posted. (illegible content)
Mr Soane
Mr Henshaw was requested to write to (Mr Downe illegible) the Somerset Hon Sec regarding Mr Soane,s exclusion from the County Committee.
Charles Gilby Chairman
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